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— The Brothers Grimm wrote a short beginning of a story under the title “The Golden Key”, which the reader should then continue to spin. With the help of ideas from book children, Urs Schaub has continued to write this initial situation into three stories.
The Golden Key | "Andrej and the Golden Key"
1 Röschen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 24:13
2 Röschen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 28:20
3 Röschen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 19:09
The Golden Key | "Andrej and the Golden Key"
1 Andrej und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 14:22
2 Andrej und der goldene Schlüssl
00:00 / 18:21
3 Andrej und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 10:48
The Golden Key | "Gretchen and the Golden Key"
1 Gretchen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 15:20
2 Gretchen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 14:53
3 Gretchen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 18:24
4 Gretchen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 14:09
5 Gretchen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 15:47
6 Gretchen und der goldene Schlüssel
00:00 / 12:51
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