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The magic mirror
A bell rang in a small town. It was the school bell. Children poured out of an old school house. Mael and Elian ran through the streets until they stopped in front of a large, beautiful house. Mael opened the garden gate and pulled the long bell cord.
The door opened and the two said goodbye to each other. When Mael closed the door behind her, Elian ran a few houses further, thinking how nice it was to finally have a summer vacation. She stopped at a big old house, opened the garden gate and rang the bell.
The door was opened by her mother. She was wearing her apron with flowers.
“Hello Elian, sit down at the table, there is food,” said her mother. When they were sitting at the table, the mother served a potato bake. When they had finished the dessert, jelly, the phone rang. Elian picked up the phone.
“Hello Elian, would you like to play with me outside?” Asked Mael.
“Yes,” said Elian.
“Bye,” said Mael, and hung up.
“I'm going out to Mael!” Elian called to her mother.
“Yes, it's good, but come back for dinner,” said her mother.
“Yes,” said Elian, and ran out of the house. She almost ran into Mael, who was so startled that she fell off her unicycle.
“Is it okay?” Elian asked as Mael got up again.
“Come on, let's go to the forest!” Said Mael.
“Okay,” said Elian.
They ran through a gap between two garden fences and were on the large meadow in front of the forest.
“The grass tickles your feet,” said Mael.
They jumped laughing through the grass to the edge of the forest. When they trudged through the forest for a while, Elian suddenly stopped in front of a tree.
“Come on!” Said Elian to Mael, who was still tiptoeing through the forest.
“Do a little bit,” said Elian.
“Ouch,” said Mael, who had just stepped on a sharp branch.
Finally Mael stood in front of the tree.
“Look, there's a mirror on the tree, it's held by the ivy,” said Elian.
“What's so interesting about this mirror?”
Asked Mael, while Elian looked at the mirror.
“I feel attracted to this mirror,” replied Elian.
“Come on, we're going home,” said Mael.
They ran through the forest and across the meadow, through the gap between the two garden fences. When they were back on the street, Mael hopped up and down and said: «When is tomorrow at last?”
Tomorrow was Mael's birthday.

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