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Pictures by
Erwin Moser
Stories about animals
00:00 / 04:38
Tranquilla Trampeltreu
00:00 / 15:36
Brief eines Mistkäfers
00:00 / 14:38
Der Affe und das Krokodil
00:00 / 03:14
Der Frosch macht eine Reise
00:00 / 12:02
Hasen pfeifen nicht
00:00 / 02:35
Der Zaunkönig
00:00 / 06:49
Frederick and his mouse friends
by Leo Lionni
Beltz & Gelberg, 2019 -
Tranquilla Trampeltreu: the persistent turtle
by Michael Ende
Thienemann Verlag, 2009 -
Letter from a dung beetle from Fabulous Stories
by Erwin Moser
Beltz & Gelberg, 2020 -
The monkey and the crocodile
Fairy tales from Namibia, Africa -
The frog makes a trip by W.M. Garschin
From Where fox and hare say good night
Gerstenberg Verlag, 2002 -
Bunnies don't whistle
by Ludvík Aškenazy & Katja Wehner
Structure publishing house, 2004 -
Like the wren
for half an hour
became the king of birds
Fairy tales from Wales
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