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The bird & The great magician
Once upon a time there was a bird and he was so alone.
Because he had no home and no parents.
One day he found no more food.
So he went and searched and searched.
But he found nothing.
But suddenly a voice said to the bird: “What are you looking for?”
The bird was startled and trembled.
He turned and there he saw a butterfly.
The butterfly said: “What are you looking for?”
The bird said: “Man, did you scare me!”
The butterfly asked impatiently: “I asked you what you were looking for.”
"Yeah, not that impatient. So I'm looking for food,” said the bird.
The butterfly said: “Oh, you don't have to look for it.”
The bird asked: “Why not?”
“Because you have a wish and I think I already know it.”
But the bird interrupted him: “I want food!”
It made zack! And suddenly there was a lot of food.
The bird thanked him and then ate a bag of flour.
And afterwards the bag was full again.
The bird was very, very happy.

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